

A. 倍氯米松
B. 沙丁胺醇
C. 色甘酸钠
D. 茶碱
E. 异丙托溴铵



A. 对
B. 错


A. 对
B. 错

翻译下列句子:1、Algorithms are an ordered set of unambiguous steps that produces a result and terminates in a finite time.2、A program is made of sequence constructs, decision constructs, and repetition constructs.3、We usually evaluate algorithms by the following standards: correctness, readability, robustness, time complexity, and space complexity.4、There are many kinds of notations to describe algorithms, such as pseudocode, and UML.5、UML is a graphical representation of an algorithm. Pseudocode is an informal, English-like representation of an algorithm.6、This chapter introduces the most common algorithms: sorting, and searching.7、A sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements into ordered arrays. Selection sort and bubble sort algorithms are the foundation of the faster sorting algorithms used in computer science today. Merge sort and quick sort are examples of divide and conquer algorithms.8、Searching is a process to find a target in a list of data. There are two basic searching algorithms: sequential search, and binary search. Sequential search can be used in any list, whereas binary search can only be used in the ordered lists.9、There are several algorithms classified by implementation, such as recursion or iteration, serial or parallel or distributed algorithms, deterministic or non-deterministic algorithms, exact or approximate algorithms, and so on.


A. 友達と行きました。
B. 一人で行きました。
C. 家族と行きました。
