
下列属于早期介人中销售阶段的内容是( )

A. 拟定物业管理的公共管理制度
B. 拟定各项費用的收费标准及收费办法颁时履行各种报批手续
C. 派出现场咨询人员,在售楼现场为客户提供物业眥理咨询服务
D. 熟悉并记录基础及隐蔽工程、 管线的铺设情况, 特别注意那些在设计资料中及常规竣工资料中未反映的内容



A. 中间丝发挥功能具时空特异性
B. 中间丝提供细胞的机械强度
C. 中间丝与DNA复制无关
D. 中间丝与细胞分化、细胞生存有关


A. 对
B. 错

(一)Terms and Conditions of Employment These terms and conditions should be read before you sign your contract.Salary: Your starting salary is: $ 15,000. this is reviewed annually.Hours: The normal hours of work are eight hours a day, Monday through Friday. You will start work on Feb. 21, 2008. On the first morning, report to your line manager John Knight.Health and safety: Please read the safety regulation sheet. If you have health problems, please inform the Senior Nurse, Chris Thomas. If you cannot work because of illness, please telephone the factory.Annual leave: During your first year of employment you are allowed twenty days’ leave. This should be arranged with your line manager.Overtime(加班): If you work more than forty hours a week, you will be paid at the current overtime rate. Your line manger will keep a record of the overtime you work. If you work on public holidays, you will be paid at the current rates. If you prefer, time can be taken instead of extra pay for public holiday and overtime.Clothing: The Supplies Department provides overalls(工作服). inform Supplies of your size two day before you need them. You can also order an other equipment you need for you job form Supplies.1.According to the contract, the salary of employee __________.

A. is paid weekly
B. is adjusted every quarter
C. is re-examined from year to year
D. is fixed for the whole contract period

If employees have any health problem, they should ________.

A. telephone the factory
B. inform the Senior Nurse
C. report to their line manger
D. contract the health and safe officer
