
Which of the following is unrelated to the word "apprehend" in meaning when used in law?

A. comprehend
B. catch
C. seize
D. capture


The Chinese equivalent to the phrase " task force" is ___________.

A. 小分队
B. 特遣队
C. 执法队
D. 巡逻队

“舷梯”in English is __________.

A. stairway
B. gangway
C. hanging ladder
D. gangster

“sweep the ship”means___________________.

A. clean the ship
B. seek the ship
C. empty the ship
D. search the ship

旋转增除料的旋转轴是一条( )。

A. 草图曲线
B. 空间曲线
C. 草图直线
D. 空间直线
