The role of a software engineer, or computer software engineer, is to develop highly functional, solution-based software __________ and solutions that address specific needs within an organization or department.[音频]
For internally developed systems, the analyst designs the overall application system but when the system is purchased, the analyst becomes asystem __________ that adapts system design to processes.[音频]
A. 东京
B. 京都
C. 奈良
D. 大阪
A. 人口密度较低
B. 民族以大和族为主
C. 火山较多
D. 主要信奉神道教和佛教
A. 喜欢高谈阔论
B. 认为乌龟、鹤类长寿吉祥
C. 喜欢松竹梅
D. 不喜欢数字4、9、13