Over the past one hundred and eighty years interested parties had tried to salvage the treasure from the sunken vessel. But their effort went in vain. It is a mystery why and how the treasure disappeared.
The most probable explanation concerns two brothers, John and Rudi, who lived close to the shore. They were hard-pressed fishermen who tried hard to earn a living from the sea. Their boat often leaked and their nets were often torn. After the vessel had sunk, many fishermen went to the scene at low tide in the hope of locating some of the gold bars. They used tongs and nets fastened to long poles but their attempts were made almost impossible by the strong currents. Day by day, the vessel sank deeper and deeper to its ocean grave. As time passed, most fishermen gave up the search.
Only the two brothers persisted and turned treasure hunting into a full-time occupation. Their method was very original. They tied a heavy basket to the end of a rope and took turns to jump into water with the basket.
It would carry them down to the vessel where they would quickly fill it with anything they could grab before going up to the surface.
Each day they would return seemingly empty-handed to their house. After half a year, the Dutch government put a stop to their treasure hunting by declaring that the vessel was a prize of war, and soon after that the two brothers left the island, claiming that they had to visit an uncle who had been ill.
They returned a year later with a big fortune, which they claimed was inherited from their uncle in his will. Form. that moment on, their immense wealth amazed the islanders. They moved into a big mansion and lived in unbelievable luxury. When it was later discovered that there had never been a sick uncle and that the" fortune" must have gathered in other ways, the police began to make enquiries.
The reason why the treasure from the sunken vessel disappeared was ______.