She said she ___ a paper kite at 7:00 yesterday.
A.makes making
C.will make
D.was making
Look! the twins ________ their mother do the housework.
A. are wanting
B. help
C. are helping
D. are looking
John always ______ others.
A. help
B. helping
C. helps
D. to help
三、翻译题1.I love to spend the winter thinking about what I want to plant and placing my orders in the late winter. I enjoy cleaning out the beds in the spring and finding the little shoots coming out of the ground for next year. I love to plant annuals in my containers. I love to wander out in the mornings or evenings just to see what has grown since last time I was out. It amazes me how fast some things grow!
碘解磷定治疗有机磷中毒的主要机制是( )
A. 与结合在胆碱酯酶上的磷酰化基因结合成复合物后脱掉
B. 与胆碱酯酶结合,保护其与有机磷酸酯类结合
C. 与胆碱能受体结合,使其不受磷酸酯类抑制
D. 与乙酰胆碱结合,阻止其过度作用
E. 与游离的有机磷酸酯类结合,促进其排泄