I often used to ___________ in supermarkets.
A. hang out
B. hangs out
C. hanging out
D. hung out
My favorite hobby is ____________.
A. bungeejumping
B. bungee jumping
C. bungee-jumping
D. bungee-jump
Out of over 400 staff there are just 7 that fall into this __________.
A. category
B. categories
C. a category
D. the category
We lease all our computer ___________ .
A. equipted
B. equipment
C. equipmented
D. equipting
1、产品分类要根据( )来进行。
A. 卖家的心情好坏
B. 自己的商业理念、经营策略来划分,一般没有什么规定
C. 别人的店铺怎么分,我的也怎么分
D. 不分类