Personal terms such as "you" and "we" can help the speaker better
A. communicate more information
B. relate the topic to the audience
C. get audience's attention
D. describe things clearly
Which of the following are presented as guidelines for effective informative speaking?
A. use technical language to enhance your credibility
B. avoid personal words such as 'I", "we","you"
C. relate the topic directly and personally to your audience
D. use descriptions to communicate message and feelings
Informative speechmaking is to advocate a cause.
A. 对
B. 错
If a speaker has to mention some technical terms in his/her speech, he/she can paraphrase them or use pictures to explain them.
A. 对
B. 错
The topic "euthanasia"can be delivered either as "a process" or a"concept".
A. 对
B. 错