What will happen to Bradley if he goes into a movie theater?
A. He will be thrown out of the theater.
B. He will be welcomed as a prominent guest.
What does Brad ask his students to do?
A. He asks them to stand in a queue and be orderly.
B. He asks them to stand by the door and watch.
体现社会公德最基本要求的道德规范是( )
A. 文明礼貌
B. 助人为乐
C. 爱护公物
D. 遵纪守法
A. 文明教育
B. 法治教育
C. 仁爱教育
D. 诚信教育
A. 文明礼貌
B. 助人为乐
C. 爱护公物
D. 遵纪守法