The ancient Indian operations were used for those disfigured not only by disease but also by violence or warfare, notably when sword wounds damaged or excised _____________ from the head and face.
A. tendon
B. bone
C. soft tissue
D. skin
Someorgans and tissuescanbedonatedbylivingdonors,suchas:
A. akidney
B. partoftheliver
C. partofthepancreas
D. partofthelungsorpartoftheintestine
A. definitionofdeath
B. voluntary and involuntaryorgandonation
C. forcedorgandonation
D. organtrafficking and blackmarket
Ethical considerations oforgan transplantation entail:
A. laws,policies&guidelines
B. xenotransplantation,animalorgans&animalrights
C. selectionoforganrecipient
D. Whohastheprioritytoreceivethedonatedorgan?
A. organ transplant tourism
B. paid & compensated organ donation
C. moral responsibility of organ donation
D. Who should donate and who should not?