本案例照片法调查区域意风区被规划为The Italian Style Area in this case is planned as a()
A. 传统文化商贸区traditional cultural business district
B. 都市消费娱乐区commercial and entertainment zone
C. 中央金融商贸区central business district
D. 智慧城smart city
实地使用照片法的步骤包括The steps of using photo survey in the field include()
A. 简介调查目的 a brief introduction to the survey
B. 出示照片showing photos to interviewees
C. 询问被试并记录asking the interviewees questions and recording their answers
D. 以上三个above three
进行参与式观察时,哪个阶段最能观察到研究对象真实的生活状态?Which stage of participant observation can acquire the most real images of objects’ daily lives()
A. 第一阶段the first stage
B. 第二阶段the second stage
C. 第三阶段the third stage
D. 以上都不是none of the above
影响青蛙小镇“复制”的地理因素不包括Which one is NOT mentioned concerning geographical factors that affect the reproduction of the creative village()
A. 生态环境ecological environment
B. 地理位置geographical location
C. 地方治理local governance
D. 时尚风情fashion style
当研究者实施参与式观察法的时候,研究者需要融入到研究对象的哪些领域之中?① 生活行为 ② 社会关系 ③ 风俗文化 ④ 居住环境1.?When the participant observation is carried out, what aspects of the researched person does the researcher need to integrate into ?① l
A. 只有①only①
B. 只有①②①and②
C. 包括①②③ including ①②③
D. 包括全部四点 including all the points