
Lesson 5 推出开车拓展2-6[音频]P: Sunair 559, request pushbackC: Sunair 559, there is a 747 to _______ and_________, after him, pushback approved.P: After the 747, pushing back


Lesson 5 推出开车拓展2-8[音频]P: Sunair 892, we are going to be delayed for a while, the ______ seems to have ______ .C: Roger, Sunair 892, call me back for taxi when you have got it ________

lesson 5 推出开车拓展2-3[音频]P: Nevek Ground, Qantas 61, request pushback to face southC: Qantas 61, Nevek Ground, _____________P: holding, Qantas 61C: Qantas 61, 717 __________, once he is established on the gate,, ________ , __________

Lesson 5 taxi 拓展2-6[音频]B.Melbourne Ground, Eastern 901, received M, request taxi.Eastern 901, Melbourne Ground, taxi via A, H and E, ah, disregard ________,until advised, there is____________passing behind you at this time.

Lesson 5 Blank-filling-3[音频]CTL: Qantas 10, hold position, an _____1______ aircraft is blocking taxiway 2, wait there until it is 3away.PIL: Holding, Qantas 10.
