
The Reverend Nelson wrote that his (1) as a "simple,old-fashioned principal" had ended with schools (2)such swift changes he had retired in self doubt. "I heard more of what I (3) than what I did right." he said, adding that my letter had brought him(4) that his career had been (5) .A glance at Grandma's familiar handwriting (6) in a flash memories of standing alongside her white rocking chair, watching her "settin' down" some letter to (7). Character by character, Grandma would slowly (8)one word, then the next, so that a finished page would (9)hours. I wept over the page (10) my Grandma's recent hours invested in expressing her loving gratefulness to me----whom she used to diaper!


声波透射法测定基桩完整性,现场测量相邻声测管外壁间的距离,是为了( ):

A. 标定系统的延迟时间
B. 对声时进行修正
C. 检测声测管的厚度是否符合标准
D. 计算测点声速

下列( )属于声波透射法测定基桩完整性的设备及辅助设施:

A. 混凝土超声仪主机
B. 径向换能器
C. 平面换能器
D. 信号线

声波透射法测定桩身完整性判定为Ⅰ类桩,应同时满足下列( )

A. 各声测剖面每个测点的声速均大于临界值。
B. 各声测剖面每个测点的波幅均大于临界值。
C. 桩端反射较明显,无缺陷反射波
D. 各声测剖面每个测点的均波形正常。


A. 器官水平,社交或工作能力严重障碍或丧失
B. 个体水平,社交或工作能力严重障碍或丧失
C. 社会水平,社交或工作能力严重障碍或丧失
D. 以上的综合
