Listen to the following English sentences and interpret them into chinese, paying attention to collocations.原文:(1)WTO accession is not only in the interests of China, but also in the interests of all WTO Members and conducive to the development of the multilateral trading system. (2)A balanced package approach be taken to ensure that the results of the negotiations reflect an overall balance of the interests of various parties.
A. 按压人中,同时立即给予气管插管
B. 应用单相波除器连续除颜3次
C. 应用双相波除器进行除颜,能量150J
D. 立即给予气管插管,胸外按压
E. 立即建立静脉通路,给予肾上腺素0.5-1mg静脉注射
A. 意识丧失、一侧孔散大
B. 意识丧失、牙关紧闭、抽搐
C. 意识丧失、没有呼吸或仅是喘息、颈动脉搏动消失
D. 意识淡漠、全身湿冷、触摸不到桡动脉搏动
E. 意识丧失、尿便失禁
A. 按压频率每分钟100-120次
B. 胸骨尽量下陷
C. 随时停止胸外按压查看心电监护
D. 按压放松时,手掌根部要倚靠在患者胸壁上
E. 双人心肺复苏时,按压与通气之比为15:2