You work as the enterprise exchange administrator at network consists of a single Active Directory domain named has an Exchange Server 2010 organization.the contains three servers named -sr11, - sr12 and -sr13.-sr11 is configured as a mailbox server; -sr12 is configured as a client access server; and -sr13 is configured as a hub transport server.You have received complaints from the users that microsoft office outlook works very slowly.You need to find out the problem.What should you do?()
A. the best option is to run the performance monitor on -sr11 and -sr12 to gather the rpc performance data.
B. the best option is to run the message tracking viewer on -sr11 and -sr12 to gather the rpc performance data.
C. the best option is to run the exchange troubleshooting assistant on -sr11 and -sr12 to gather the rpc performance data.
D. the best option is to run the mail flow troubleshooter on -sr12 and -sr13 to gather the rpc performance data.
A. 会阴部血肿
B. 下腹及骨盆部皮下瘀斑
C. 骨盆挤压试验(+)
D. 插导尿管不能进入膀胱
E. 尿道造影,见造影剂外溢于后尿道周围未进入膀胱
某施工总承包单位承担一项建筑基坑工程的施工,基坑开挖深度12m,基坑南侧距基坑边6m处有一栋6层既有住宅楼。其中:基坑工程为专业分包工程。在施工过程中,发生了如下事件: 事件一:为宣传企业形象,总承包单位在现场办公室前空旷场地树立了悬挂企业旗帜的旗杆,旗杆与基座预埋件焊接连接。 事件二:为确保施工安全,总承包单位委派一名经验丰富的同志到项目担任安全总监。项目经理部建立了施工安全管理机构,设置了以安全总监为第一责任人的项目安全管理领导小组。在工程开工前,安全总监向项目有关人员进行了安全技术交底。基坑专业分包单位进场后,编制了相应的施工安全技术措施,报批完毕后交项目经理部安全部门备案。 事件三:施工总承包单位督促专业分包单位针对深基坑组织编制了专项施工方案,并指示基坑分包单位组织了专家论证,定稿后由总承包单位项目总工、总监理工程师签批后组织实施。 事件四:基坑在开挖过程中,总承包单位按照《建筑施工安全检查标准》JGJ59~2011的要求对深基坑支护安全进行检查,重点检查保证项目,并形成书面检查记录。 事件一中,旗杆与基座预埋件焊接是否需要开动火证?若需要,请说明动火等级并给出相应的审批程序。
A. 99m锝
B. 131碘
C. 32磷
D. 30锶
E. 67镓