A. 肠套叠
B. 美克尔憩室
C. 出血性坏死性肠炎
D. 溃疡性结肠炎
E. 结肠息肉脱落
【背景资料】某小区一栋30层建筑,4层以下为商业区,现浇框架结构,地下1层,首层A区域层高12m,标准层高3m。某日,在A区域顶板混凝土施工时,发生模板支撑体系整体失稳,导致大面积坍塌,造成人员伤亡及一定的经济损失。经调查发现该工程首层A区域模板支撑方案均按普通模板支撑体系搭设,支撑体系立杆间距过大,侧向支撑不到位,模板支架失稳,引起整体倒塌。 请根据上述背景资料完成以下选项。 所有的节点必须都有扣件连接,不得遗漏。扣件的拧紧扭力矩应控制在()之间。
A. 15~30N·m
B. 30~45N·m
C. 40~65N·m
D. 60~75N·m
You are maintaining a Microsoft ASP.NET Web Application that was created by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5. You obtain the latest version of the project from the source control repository. You discover that an assembly reference is missing when you attempt to compile the project on your computer. You need to compile the project on your computer. What should you do?()
Add a reference path in the Property Pages of the project to the location of the missing assembly.
B. Add a working directory in the Property Pages of the project to the location of the missing assembly.
Change the output path in the Property Pages of the project to the location of the missing assembly.
Delete the assembly reference. Add a reference to the missing assembly by browsing for it on your computer.&e