

A. 控制组
B. 协调组
C. 文案组
D. 宣传组


Company.com has a new computer room that will be used to house a new HACMP cluster. Onceof the outstanding features of the new computer room was the new large air conditioner. This unit has enough excess capacity for more than double the planned amount of equipment. Another feature of this computer room was the dual electric supplies to the room housed in two separate power panels. How would this impact the overall availability of the environment?()

A. Dual power feeds will make the installation difficult to manage and less high available.
B. The single air conditioner is a single point of failure and the customer should be made aware of the issue.
C. The single air conditioner is a single point of failure and HACMP should be customized to compensate for the issue.
D. A single power feed should be used to avoid ground loops in the computer room causing premature failure of the systems.

目前,国际上劳动密集型制造业向中国转移的趋势已经开始放缓,越南、印度、墨西哥与东欧等国家以比中国更低的成本优势,成为接纳工业发达国家产业转移的新阵地。东盟制造、墨西哥制造开始用更加低廉的成本要素,实现对“中国制造”的供给替代。这说明() ①经济全球化使国与国之间的经济联系日益加强 ②经济全球化有利于世界范围内资源的优化配置 ③经济全球化对发展中国家而言,既是机遇,又是挑战 ④经济全球化使世界经济发展更加不平衡

A. ①②
B. ②③
C. ①③
D. ①④

患者,男性,36岁,体重70kg,诊断为高血压肾病,慢性肾功能不全尿毒症期,规律透析4年,今日行血液透析+血液灌流治疗,历时4小时,透前测BP132/80mmHg,P72次/分,遵医嘱予普通肝素钠首剂42mg,追加8mg/h*2h,超滤脱水2800ml,两小时后卸下灌流器,透析过程顺利。17:30下机后测BP162/90mmHg,P76次/分,患者安返病房,于19:00在浴室不慎滑倒,头部着地。 一旦发生如何紧急处理?


A. 正确
B. 错误
