What does the president mean when he says "sample them widely"?By saying "sample them widely", the president means students should __________________________ and try something ________ to see what it is like.
What could be the consequences if you dont' challenge yourself?If we don't challenge ourselves, we will not become ________________ people, and we may not find the passion that will help us ________________________.
世界上最早的有关社会保障的立法是( )。
A. 英国的《学徒健康与道德法》
B. 英国的《济贫法》
C. 德国的《工伤事故保险法》
D. 美国的《社会保障法》
下列不属于社会保障法的特点的是( )。
A. 个体性
B. 社会性
C. 强制性
D. 技术性
下列属于社会保障法功能的是( )。
A. 有利于调节收入再分配
B. 有利于实现社会公平
C. 实现社会稳定
D. 有利于扩大内需