A. This morning.
B. This afternoon.
C. Last night.
D. Yesterday.
A. Take her blood pressure.
B. Perform an operation on her at once.
C. Give her some medicine.
D. Send her to the emergency room.
根据仓至仓条款的规定,从货物在目的港卸离海轮时起满( )天,不管货物是否进入保险单载明的收货人仓库,保险公司的保险责任均告终止。
A. 15
B. 30
C. 10
D. 60
根据国际商会《跟单信用证统一惯例》的规定,( )承担第一性的付款责任。
A. 进口商
B. 开证行
C. 议付行
D. 通知行