Wikipedia defines 'synthetic biology' as: it is an interdisciplinary branch of biology and engineering. It combines disciplines from biotechnology, genetic engineering, molecular biology, molecular engineering, systems biology, biophysics, electrical engineering, computer engineering, control engineering, and ________________________.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language (5th Edition, 2016) defines ' synthetic biology' as: the branch of biology that involves undertaking large-scale manipulation of ____________________ in order to modify biological systems to perform novel functions, such as the production of drugs or the destruction of cancer cells.
According to Collins English Dictionary (12th Edition, 2014), synthetic biology is the application of computer science techniques to creat _____________ biological systems.
According to Wikipedia Encyclopedia, synthetic biology is an interdisciplinary branch of biology and engineering. The subject combines various disciplines from within these ___________, such as biotechnology, evolutionary biology, genetic engineering, molecular biology, molecular engineering, systems biology, biophysics, and computer engineering. defines 'synthetic biology' as: the design and construction of new biological parts, devices, and systems, and the ______________ of existing, natural biological systems for useful purposes.