A. 由高级到低级
B. 从简单到复杂
C. 先控制后碎部
D. 每步必有检核
A. 先控制后碎部
B. 从简单到复杂
C. 由高级到低级
D. 从局部到整体
A. 距离
B. 高差
C. 角度
D. 方向
Go over Text A and preview Text B again, underline the verbs or verbal phrases that appear before “comfort zone".Compile a list of collocations of“comfort zone". You may fill in the blanks with as many answers as possible.____1____ one's comfort zone____2____ one's comfort zone____3____ one's comfort zone____4____ one's comfort zone____5____ one's comfort zone____6____ one's comfort zone____7____ one's comfort zone____8____ one's comfort zone____9____ one's comfort zoneAfter finishing the above exercises, go online and search for more verbs or verbal phrases that come before "comfort zone".
下述哪一种体温升高属于过热( )。
A. 结核时的体温升高
B. 妊娠期的体温升高
C. 剧烈运动后体温升高
D. 先天性汗腺缺乏引起的体温升高