
As an instructor, you should guide and inspire students to discover for themselves what they feel interested in and ________ about.

A . private
B . passionate
C . individual
D . infinite


If we find the genes that control the human body clock, we can perhaps slow them down and extend human life ________ a little.

A . expectation
B . extent
C . expectancy
D . expansion

An individual’s employment can’t be ________ just because of physical reasons such as being unable to fit into a desk or stand tall enough to see over a counter.

A . sufficed
B . terminated
C . stimulated
D . testified

翻译 :Directions:Translate the following paragraphs into English.手机依赖症随着智能手机的普及,许多人患上了手机依赖症。无论开车、走路、聚会、上班 ……他们总是低着头,专心致志地玩着手机,热衷于微信、微博等虚拟空间上的讨论,因而被称为“低头族”。手机依赖症的盛行给人们的生活带来了许多负面影响,如颈椎病、视力下降、交通事故、人际关系疏远、社交和语言能力退化等等。针对这种现象,专家们建议,平时可以有意识地把手机放到一边,通过做一些其他事情转移自己的注意力,能够不用手机完成的事情,尽量不用手机。这样,我们就会慢慢戒除对手机的过分依赖,从而成为技术的主人,而不是技术的奴隶。

商业智能仪表板中不应包括( )

A. 柱形图
B. 圆环图
C. 饼图
D. 文字描述
