
患者林某,因直肠癌住院,遵医嘱做肠道手术前的肠道淸洁准备,护士正确的做法( )

A. 行大量不保留灌肠一次,排除粪便和气体
B. 行小量不保留灌肠一次,排除粪便和气体
C. 行保留灌肠-次,刺激肠蠕动,加强排便
D. 反复多次行大量不保留灌肠,至排出液澄淸为止
E. 采用开塞露通便法,排除粪便和气体


王女土,40岁,患泌尿系感染,医嘱做尿培养,患者神志清楚,一般情况尚好,护士在留取尿标本的方法可采用( )

A. 留晨第一次尿100ml
B. 随机留尿100ml
C. 留取中段尿
D. 收集24h尿
E. 行导尿术留尿

王先生,58岁,因外伤瘫痪致尿失禁医嘱留置导尿,尿液引流通畅,但尿色黄、浑浊,医嘱行抗感染治疗,护士在为其护理时应注意( )

A. 鼓励患者多饮水,并进行膀胱冲洗
B. 观察尿量并记录
C. 及时更换导尿管
D. 每天清洗尿道口1次
E. 指导患者锻炼膀胱充盈和排空

灌肠中如果者出现脉速、面色苍白、出冷汗、剧烈腹痛,心慌气促,正确的处理是( )

A. 移动肛管
B. 嘱患者张口深呼吸
C. 停止灌肠
D. 提高灌肠筒的高度
E. 挤捏肛管

Section CDirections: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage isprinted in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. Thepassage will be read two times. You are required to put the missingwords or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanksaccording to what you hear Now the passage will begin.ABC Travel Agency organised a 10-day tour for us to many famous placés ofinterest in China in October last year. They arranged for internal travel by11 , booked hotels and various guided activities. But we arranged our own12 to and from China and extensions to the tour to Hong Kong and Singapore.ABC Travel Agency was good value for money when13other travelagencies. It was about 40% less than I was quoted by well-known UK travelcompanies for the same itinerary. I would have no hesitation recommending it. Itsguides were14and generally knowledgeable. Most of them spoke goodEnglish. Some even went beyond the agreed itinerary and arranged 15activities for us
