Why does common man in England seem to be as accurate-or as inaccurate-as the weatherman in his prediction?
A. Because the weather in English is SO variable.
Because the common man in England has as much knowledge about weatheras the weatherman.
C. Because by lunch time there could be thunder and lightening in England
D. Because English weather always defies forecast
根据下列概念的相互关系,右图中大、中、小圆部分依次代表 ()
A. 针叶林、阔叶林、针阔混交林
B. 海陆间循环、内陆循环、海上内循环
C. 自然资源、能源、石油
D. 淡水、河水、自来水
正常机体内影响外周阻力的主要因素是 ()
A. 血管长度
B. 微静脉的口径
C. 血液黏滞性
D. 小动脉和微动脉的口径
E. 骨骼肌收缩对血管的挤压作用
A. great
B. league
C. peace
D. neat