
根据下列材料请回答 16~22 题:
Petitions(请愿,请愿书)have long been a part of British political life.Anyone who wanted to change something would get a list of signatures from people who agreed to the idea and either send them to the government or deliver them personally to the Prime Minister’s house in London.
They are always accepted at the door by one of the PM'S officials.What happens then? Nothing much,usually.But petitions have always been thought of as a useful way for those who govern to find out what the people really think.
That’s why the UK government Launched its“e—petition”site in November 2006.Instead of physically collecting signatures,all anyone with an idea has to do now is to make a proposal on the government website,and anyone who supports the idea is free to add his or her signature.
The petitions soon started to flow in.The idea was for the British people to express their constructive ideas.Many chose instead to express their sense of humor.
one petitioner called on Tony Blair to stop the Deputy Prime Minister eating SO much”.Another wanted to expel(驱逐)Scotland from the United Kingdom because Scottish football fast never support England in the World Cup.
other petitioners called on the Prime Minister to abolish the monarchy.Some wanted to give it more power.Some wanted to oppose the United States.others wanted to leave the European Union.Some wanted to send more troops to Iraq and others wanted them all brought home.Some wanted to adopt the Euro(欧元).Others wanted to keep the pound.
Yet if some petitions are not serious。others present a direct challenge to government policy.A petition calling on the government to drop plans to charge drivers for using roads has already drawn around 1.8 million signatures.1n response to that,a rival petition has been posted in support of road pricing.And that is also rapidly growing.
There are about 60 million people in Britain.So it is understandable that the government wants to find out what people are thinking.But the problem with the e-petition site seems to be that the British people have about 70 million opinions,and want the Prime Minister to hear all of them.Perhaps he could start a petition asking everyone to lust shut up for a while.
第 16 题 A petition needs to be signed

A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned



根据下列材料请回答 31~35 题:
Centers of the Great European Cities
The centers of the great cities of Europe are meeting places by tradition-People gather there to drink coffee and chat late into the night.A mixture of locals and tourists make for an exciting,metropolitan atmosphere.
Squares,plazas(广场)and arcades(拱廊)form. the heart of Europe’s cities.
Venice in Italy has the Piazza San Marco—a beautiful square surrounded by shops,churches,restaurants and caf6s.In Barcelona,Spain,LaBosqueria is a lively market with hundreds of stalls selling all kinds of goods.London’s Covent Garden is filled with fruit and vegetable stalls by day and musicians,acrobats(杂技演员)and artists by night.The government buildings at the center of many cities often are architecturally impressive.In London,they serve as a beautiful backdrop(背景)to the coffee tables that line the streets and the banks of the Thames.
These vibrant(有活力的)hearts are the product of centuries of evolution,social historian Joel Garreau told US News and World Report recently.“The reason people think Venice is so great today is you don’t see all the mistakes,”said Garreau-“ Those have all been removed.”Most European cities were laid out before the invention of the car, so bars.restaurants and cafes were near to,people’s homes.Today,the focus of many Europeans’life has moved away from the centers.They live in the suburbs and outskirts,driving to supermarkets to get their supplies.But on a continent where people treasure convention,there are still those who hold onto traditional ways,living and shopping locally.These people.together with tourists,provide the city centers with the reason for existence.
Coffee culture plays a part in keeping these city centers flourishing .this is Particularly true of Paris whose citizens are famous enthusiastic conversationalists this skill is developed over many hours spent chatting over espressos(浓咖啡)and cigarettes.
Religion also plays a role in developing sociable atmosphere.People In Roman Catholic countries used to visit the Church on an almost daily basis.Entire communities would gather in the same building and then move out to the markets.cafes and bars In the surrounding streets.An enormous example of this relationship between church and society is the Duomo。The huge marble cathedral in Florence,Italy IS surrounded by bakeries and coffee shops,and caters not only to the tourist crowds,but also the local community.
第 31 题 It can be inferred from the first paragraph that each big city in Europe

A. has many large squares.
B. has many very magnificent sky-scrapers.
C. draws tourists in large numbers every year
D. has a center where tourists meet their spouses.


