患者,女,19岁,因咳嗽、发热、乏力就诊。拍胸片发现右肺有片状阴影,痰标本抗酸染色阳性,诊断为肺结核病。以下说法正确的是( )
A. 常见病原体为牛型结核分枝杆菌
B. 可经呼吸道途径传播
C. 可经蚊虫叮咬传播
D. 原发肺结核病灶易形成空洞
E. 继发肺结核只能是外源性感染
Read the passage carefully ,and fill in the blanks with appropriate words.(认真阅读课文,用课本里的词或短语完成下列句子。)1) Internet has _____________the way we live, work study play and so on.
Internet has reduced the human being’s communication _______ worldwide.
Internet is a ________ full of information and offers us a lot of services.
It is like an electronic library _________.