
关于创业,下列说法正确的是( )。

A. 创业有广义和狭义之分
B. 创业是创业者能动性的反映
C. 创业活动都伴随着一定的风险
D. 创业是经济发展的发动机


我国政府鼓励大学生创业的相关政策包括( )。

A. 放宽市场准入
B. 改善行政管理
C. 拓宽融资渠道
D. 加强创业指导服务

政府强化创业政策扶持主要包括( )。

A. 税收优惠
B. 小额担保贷款
C. 资金补贴
D. 开辟创业“绿色通道”

Why did the man look a little worried?

A. He was thinking about his studies.
B. He was thinking about his future.
C. He was thinking about his brother.
D. He was thinking if he could get a job.

What is the problem with man's older brother?

A. He is unhappy and hates his job.
B. He doesn’t have a college degree.
C. He has to spend much time working.
D. He never wants to do something fun.
