
进行参与式观察时,研究者良好的心理素质主要体现在?Which stage of participant observation needs high mental quality of researchers()

A. 第一阶段the first stage
B. 第二阶段the second stage
C. 第三阶段the third stage
D. 以上都不是none of the above


线路设计的步骤先后顺序是The sequence of the steps in route design is()

A. 实地调查-修改方案-实地调查field investigation-revision plan-field investigation
B. 室内设计-访谈修正-实地调查predesign-interview correction-field investigation
C. 访谈设计-实地调查-修正方案interview design-field investigation-revision plan
D. 电脑设计-实地调查-资料整理computer design-field investigation-data collation

To be successful creative writers, we must do the following EXCEPT ______()

A. expressing our own thoughts and feelings
B. being mindful of how we’re conveying our emotions and ideas to readers
C. paying close attention to subject, style, and presentation
D. exaggerating our own thoughts and feelings

参与式观察法的优点是?What is the merit of participant observation()

A. 能够获得统计上的最大样本量 It’s able to acquire the largest samples of statistics
B. 它所获取的资料最容易量化It’s easy to make a quantification
C. 它能最大程度地获得社会现实的真实图像It’s able to acquire the real images of social realities
D. 它的观察过程最具系统操作性The process of observation demonstrates a highly operable feature

属于野外调查方法是The field survey method is()

A. 问卷、访谈questionnaire, interview
B. 录音、素描recording, sketch
C. 全站仪、眼动仪total station, eye tracker
D. 照相机、录像机camera, video recorder
