What is defined as an area, excluding sea area A1, within the radiotelephone coverage area of at least one MF coast station, in which continuous DSC alerting is available as defined by the IMO?
A. Sea area A4.
B. Sea area A1.
C. Sea area A2.
D. Ocean area regions AOR-E, AOR-W, POR or IOR.
An area within the coverage of at least one VHF shore station in which continuous DSC distress alert is available is ______.
A. sea area A1
B. sea area A2
C. sea area A4
D. distress area
How is the sea area A3 defined by IMO?
A. Within the coverage of INMARSAT satellites, it’s an area approximately between 70 degrees North and 70 degrees South, excluding areas A1 and A2.
B. Within the coverage area of INMARSAT satellites.
C. Within range of shore-based MF coast station with DSC function.
D. Area above 70 degrees N and area below 70° S.
In accordance with the SOLAS Convention, what may be the area outside sea areas A1, A2 and A3?
Coastal and inland waters.
D. A4.
In the vicinity of North Pole, a vessel is operating 10 nautical miles from shore within range of shore-based VHF stations with DSC-alerting capabilities. It is operating within ______.
A. sea area Al
B. sea area A2
C. sea area A3
D. sea area A4