

A)15 dollars.
B)20 dollars.
C)25 dollars.
D)50 dollars.



A)She will hardly get a raise.
B)She will get a raise every three years.
C)She will get a raise next year.
D)She will get a raise in three years.


A) It always gains profits.
B)It keeps losing money.
C)It can provide opportunities.
D)It has employed many people.


A)This Monday.
B)This Friday.
C)Next Monday.
D)Next Friday.

Hunting for a job can be stressful,but there's no reason to hurt your chances by making11 :When you're applying for a job in a company,prepare your letter according to therequirements of the company.If you fail to do this,you may send a wrong message to thecompany.While you may12shy if you're out of work and looking for a new job,don't letthat prevent you from telling friends and13that you're on the hunt.If you don't show yourstrengths and give detailed14of your previous achievements,you won't get the job.Somejob seekers fail to do15on the company before they go to the interview.This also hurtstheir chances of getting the job.
