A. 正确
B. 错误
The professionals, according to the text, have made a mistake in
A. leaving the warning system imperfect for years.
B. delaying the deployment of a new generation of detectors.
C. insisting Tsunamis' potential damage to the public infrastructure.
D. ignoring of Tsunamis' destructive force to human life.
There are indeed good reasons for concern about the way the NHS is financed, for it has allowed the government to pump in too much money too fast. But there is no ideal sys tem for paying for health care. The European social-insurance model is in even more trouble than Britain's tax-based model. By loading the burden on to employers and workers and thus raising labour costs, it has contributed to the inflexibility of labour markets and thus to the Euro-sclerosis that continental governments are struggling to recover from. In France, the government has resorted to general taxation to spread the burden. In Germany and elsewhere the model looks increasingly unsustainable, not least because its narrow fiscal base will be exposed to unfavourable demographics when the post-war baby-boomers start leaving the labour force in droves.
Nor does America offer an ideal solution. It has a mixed financing system, in which the government stumps up for the elderly and the poor, and employers pay for private coverage of their workers. Health-care spending has reached a record 15% of GDP, dwarfing Britain's 8%, yet 45m Americans lack insurance cover. The rising cost of publicly-financed medical care threatens America's fiscal health.
Rather than focusing on how the money is raised, reformers should worry about how it is spent. Health-care expenditure is rocketing not just because demand is rising but also because health-care markets work badly. They are dominated by powerful providers—companies, hospitals and influential doctors—which find it fairly easy to pass on ever-rising costs from new medical technologies to the state or the insurers who pick up most of the tab. Private individuals' payments generally account for a smallish share of health care spending precisely because medical bills tend to be so high that everybody needs insurance cover of one sort or another. Taxes, social-insurance contributions and payments by employers all boil down to forms of health insurance.
The cure is not to try to raise yet more money in a different way. Instead, the overriding goal must be to spend the money pouring into health care more effectively by getting wasteful medical systems to work better. Two sets of reform. are vital and both, as it hap pens, are being undertaken in Britain's tax-financed NHS.
The author's attitude toward Mr. Ribeiro's view seems to be
A. supportive.
B. indicative.
C. negative.
D. comprehensive.
From the text we learn that the laser can______.
A. cut a structure from a right position
B. design parts of a complex structure
C. measure the distance between planets
D. predict the movement of earth's plates