A. 发病率
B. 患病率
C. 病死率
D. 粗死亡率
A. 不是所有的行政机关都有行政处罚权,而是依据法律的规定或国务院的授权的行政机关才有行政处罚权
B. 具有行政处罚权的行政机关只能在法定职权范围内实施行政处罚,即行政机关只能对自己主管业务内违反行政管理秩序的行为给予行政处罚
C. A、B均正确
D. 所有的行政机关都有行政处罚权
A. 正确
B. 错误
A computer is a machine designed to perform. work mathematically and to store and select information that has been fed into it. It is nm by either mechanical or electronic means. These machines can do a great deal of complicated work in a very short time. A large computer, for example, can add or subtract nine thousand times a second, multiply a thousand times a second, or divide five hundred times a second. Its percentage of error is about one in a billion digits. It has been estimated that human beings making calculations average about one mistake per two hundred digits.
The heart of an electronic computer lies in its vacuum tubes, or transistors. Its electronic circuits work a thousand times faster than the nerve cells in the human brain. A problem that might take a human being two years to solve can be solved by a computer in one minute, but in order to work properly, a computer must be given instructions--it must be programmed. Computers can be designed for many specialized purposes--they can be used to prepare payrolls, guide airplane flights, direct traffic, even to play chess. Computers play an essential role in modern automation in many plants and factories throughout the world.
A computer is a machine designed to ______.
A. perform. work mathematically
B. perform. complicated calculations
C. store and select information
D. all of the above
A. 0.125
B. 3.6
C. 3.75
D. 8