
Directions:There is a five-paragraph essay in this section. Analyze it by anwsering questions (56-60) about unity, support, cohesion and the introduction & conclusion.Altered States[1]Most Americans are not alcoholics. Most do not hang about citystreets looking tobuy drugs. Relatively fewdeceive their doctors into prescribing unneeded mood-altering medications. Andyet, many Americans are traveling through life with their minds slightly out ofcontrol. In its attempt to cope with modern life, the human mind seems to haveevolved some defense strategies. Confronted with inventions like television,the shopping center, and the Internet, the mind will slip-all by itself-into analtered state(意识失常状态).[2]Never in the history of humanity have people been expected to sitpassively for hours, staring at moving picturesshowing from an electronicbox._______too much exposure to flickering images of police officers,detectives, and talk-show hosts can be dangerous to human sanity, the mindautomatically goes into a state of TV hypnosis(催眠状态). The eyes see the sitcom orthe dog food commercial,________the mind goes into a holding pattern. Noneof the televised images or sounds actually enter the brain. This is why,when questioned, people cannot remember commercials they have seenfive seconds before or why the TV cops are chasing a certain suspect. Inthis hypnotic state, the mind resembles an armored armadillo(穿山甲).It rolls up in self-defense, letting the stream of televised information pass byharmlessly.[3]If the TV watcher arises from the couch and goes to a shopping mall,he or she will again cope by slipping into an altered state. In the mall,the mind is bombarded with the sights, smells, and sounds of dozens ofstores, restaurants, and movie theaters competing for its attention. Thereare hundreds of questions to be answered. Should I start with the upperor lower mall level? Which stores should I look in? Should I bother withthe sweater sale at J. Crew? Should I eat fried chicken or try the healthiersounding Pita Wrap? Where is my car parked? To combat this mentaloverload, the mind goes into a state resembling the whiteout experiencedby mountain climbers trapped in a blinding snowstorm. Suddenly,everything looks the same. The shopper is unsure where to go next andcannot remember what he or she came for in the first place. The mindenters this state deliberately so that the shopper has no choice but to leave.Some kids can be in a shopping mall for hours, but they are exceptions tothe rule.[4]But no part of everyday life so quickly triggers the mind's protectiveshutdown mode as that favorite pastime of the new millennium: Internetsurfing. Acomputer user sits down with the intention of briefly checking hisor her e-mail or looking up a fact for a research paper. But once tappedintothe immense storehouse of information, entertainment, and seeminglyintimate personal connectionsthat the Internet offers, the user loses all senseof time and priorities. Prospects flood the mind: Should I explore the rise ofNazi Germany? Play a trivia game? Hear the life story of a lonely strangerin Duluth? With a mind dazed with information overload, the user numblyhits one key after another, leaping from topic to topic, from distraction todistraction. Hours fly by as he or she sits hunched over the keyboard,unableto account for the time that has passed.[5]These poor victims are merely trying to cope with the mind-numbinginventions of modern life and are not responsible for their glazed eyes androbotic motions. People need to be aware of them and treat them withkindness andunderstanding. Going out of the way to bring these comasufferers back to real life is the job of all those who have managed to avoidthe side effects oftelevision, shopping, and the Internet; otherwise,humanitywill suffer.ABOUT UNITY(56) Whichsentence in paragraph3is off topic (离题) and should beomitted in the interest of paragraph unity (统一性)?____________________________________________ .


ABOUT SUPPORT(57) Whatthreepiecesofevidencedoesthewriteroffertosupportthestatement that theInternetisan“immensestorehouseofinformation,entertainment, and seemingly intimatepersonalconnections(para. 4)”? (Please put down sentences directly from the essay.)Evidence 1:_______________________________ .Evidence 2:_______________________________ .Evidence 3:________________________________ .

ABOUT COHESION (句子衔接)(58) Please fill in the blanks in para.2 withappropriate signal words.__________ ; __________ ;

ABOUT THE INTRODUCTION AND CONCLUSION(59) Put down the thesis statement in this essay.____________________________________________ .

(60) Which method ofconclusionis used in theending paragraph? (Please put down the letter of the choice in the blank.)A. SummaryB.PredictionC.QuotationD. Question
