A. 便于监控段的行动;
B. 可以助长段的骄气;
C. 息事宁人,避免激化矛盾;
D. 获得一个顺从母亲的孝名
A. 祭仲
B. 公子吕
C. 郑庄公
D. 共叔段
A. 本文以兄弟,母子之间的矛盾为主线,记叙了郑伯克段于鄢的完整过程;
B. 本文在叙述郑伯克段于鄢这个故事时,作者直接表明了自己对人物的褒贬态度;
C. 本文善于在人物与人物特定关系中进行对比烘托,使人物性格鲜明;
D. 善于用人物的语言行动来描绘人物形象,刻画人物性格。
语法填空Complete the following sentences, using the right verb forms.1)Up to now, we ______________ (not receive) any news from her.2) I had intended to call on you yesterday, but someone __________ (come) to see me.3) As a school boy I already knew the sun ___ (be) the center of the solar system.4) I have worked here since I __________ (graduate) from college.5) By the time you get back, great changes __________________ (take place) in this area.6) She told me her name only after I __________ (ask) her twice.7) He said he _______________ (write) a report since two o'clock that morning.8) When she was here, she always __________ (complain) about the living condition.9) That was the second time I __________ (be) abroad.10) I _______________ (watch) my favorite TV show at seven o'clock this evening.