
The latest "Guess Who" is about a white man in love with a black woman, and that's a comfortable old archetype from days when slave owners inflicted themselves on slave women

A. enjoy
B. dare
C, beat
D. harass


That was also the year of "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" and of a Supreme Court ruling striking down miscegenation laws

A. marriage
B. illegal marriage
C. legal marriage
D. interracial marriage

Yet right from the beginning, the entertainment industry has lagged society in its racial mores

A. moral values
B. standards
C. ideas
D. views


A. 胸廓的扩张
B. 肺的扩张
C. 肺的回缩力
D. 呼吸肌的收缩力
E. 大气的压力

月度货物运输计划由( )编制。

A. 计划部门
B. 运输部门
C. 货运部门
D. 运输、货运部门共同
