句子翻译:All of the important signal characteristics can be deduced from the copy of the spectrum that appears in the baseband through sampling.
句子翻译:Signal conditioning circuits are, in reality, analog signal processors, performing such functions as multiplication (gain), isolation (instrumentation amplifiers and isolation amplifiers), detection in the presence of noise (high common-mode instrumentation amplifiers etc. ), dynamic range compression (log amps, LOGDACs, and programmable gain amplifiers), and filtering (both passive and active)
Whenever I went home, Isome gifts to my neighbors.
A. bring
B. brought
C. will bring
D. has brought
A. 氢电极
B. 甘汞电极
C. 玻璃电极
D. 银-氯化银电极
A. 离子之间的交换
B. 离子的扩散
D. A、B均不是