3 编写程序,程序功能为找出36和120所有的公约数,并输出。
4 编写程序,程序功能为 利用函数调用求a!+b!+c!的值。用一个函数fac(n)求n!。a,b,c为1~12范围内的整数,其值在主函数输入,最终得到的值在主函数输出。
Einstein spent his whole life trying to understand the ________________ .
At the turn of the century Einstein made discoveries about ________ , ________ and ________ that have transformed people’s view of universe.
Einstein used to think that one thing has to ________ anotherto make it move, but the fact that the needle of the compass behaved in such a ________ way made him realize that something deeply hidden had to lie behind things.