2. 事故现场发生出血以后,我们不是现场可以立即采取的止血方法是
A. 止血带止血法
B. 指压止血法
C. 加压包扎止血法
D. 填塞止血法
E. 手术止血法
3. 止血带止血法主要适用于上肢出血时的结扎部位是:
A. 上臂的中上1/3交界处
B. 上臂的中段
C. 上臂的下1/3
D. 前臂远端
E. 腕关节
4. 关于加压包扎止血法下列哪项是对的:
A. 加压包扎止血法主要适用于腹部
B. 可以用于骨折的部位
C. 加压时间没有限定,可以长时间
D. 包扎方向由近心端向远心端
E. 加压材料可选用纱布、纱垫或棉垫
Phrases and expressionsFill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the form where necessary.[accompany sb. to;feed sth. into;take good care of;be free of/from;a surge of;catch oneself doing;strip off;make sense;be supposed to;slow down;straighten up;earn sb sth;with open arms;toss sth. aside;lay sth. out]1. With Christmas and the New Year round the corner, we will _________ our rooms.2. She _________be the most influential member in the organization in the past years.3. The president is welcoming foreign academics _________as the university tries to lift its international competitiveness.4. She was easily persuaded to _________us on a trip _________Africa.5. Sometimes you will _________something very stupid when you've been tired.6. We must _________the weak who would otherwise fall by the wayside.7. Since computers can replace people to do routine jobs, people can _________mundane business to do creative work.8. I wrote out the advertisement on the back of an old envelope and read it aloud to see if it _________.9. Thousands of Spanish people _________ their shirts and hurled tons of ripe, juicy tomatoes at each other in the annual tomato fight.10. He felt a sense of peace and serenity, and _________inexplicable happiness.11. The information has been _________the computer and stored in a database.12. A leader's most important job at any organization is to _________a road map to the future.13. Hearing the alarm jangling, he _________ his blanket _________ and got up.14. Some data was released on Thursday showing that Americans _________ spending and hunting for discounts.15. Her selfless and caring personality _________love and devotion from all who knew her.