What techniques are applied here when translating "我国手机用户深受垃圾短信困扰"?into "Spam Text Messages: A Headache for All"?
A. Literal translation
B. Free translation
C. Employing rhetorical devices
D. Using punctuation
What techniques are applied here when translating "团结一致。共赴时艰" into "Unity into Adversity"?
A. Employing rhetorical devices
B. Conversion
C. Literal translation
D. Free translation
What techniques are applied when translating "一艘日本军舰本月将访中国" into "Japanese Naval Ship to Visit China Later this Month"?
A. Literal translation
B. Free translation
C. Omission in tense
D. Employing rhetorical devices
What techniques are applied when translating "繁荣不再 萧条即来”into“After the Booms Everything Is Gloom”?
A. Employing rhetorical devices
B. Literal translation
C. Free translation
D. Conversion
The Northern lights are poetry, and they are nature’s light show. They are elementary particle physics, superstition, mythology and fairy tales.