
n. a gun with a long barrel which you hold to your shoulder to fire; v.to search quickly through sth.in order to find or steal sth.

A. pilot
B. plaster
C. pound
D. rifle


n. a flat part at the side of a road for people to walk on

A. prosperity
B. procedure
C. portrait
D. pavement

vt. to remember sth. ,especially by making an effort to remember it

A. refute
B. recollect
C. perceive
D. refresh

n. the act of supplying sb. with sth. that they need or want; sth. that is supplied; v. to supply sb. /sth. with enough of sth. , especially food, to last for a particular period of time

A. recognition
B. privilege
C. provision
D. possession

a. that can develop into sth. or be developed in the future; n. qualities that exist and can be developed

A. portrait
B. preference
C. profession
D. potential
