
which of the following statements is NOT true ofBruce Hardy?

A. He ispopular with his passengers.
B. He hasnever missed a day of work.
C. He isan impatient person.
D. He hasdriven 350,000 accident free miles.



根据下列文章,请回答 23~30 题。
Breaking the News about Your Diagnosis
1 When I was diagnosed with breast cancer nearly a year ago.I found myself at a loss for words at first.Over time,however,I developed some pointers(点子),which I hope will help others.
2 During the first few weeks of emotional” aftershocks”(余悸)from the diagnosis,I found myself unable to utter the word” cancel’.Still。1 wanted to share the news with my relatives and friends who already knew that I’d had a biopsy(活检)and were anxiously awaiting my telephone call.I did the best l could。which is all anyone can do in this situation.When I called them,I said,“What we feared has happened.”They immediately knew what I meant.
3 Nearly a year after my diagnosis.I find myself more comfortable telling people “I was diagnosed with cancer” instead of saying have cancer.”0n some deep level.I don’t want t0“own”this illness。Choose language that suits you when you share your news.And keep in mind that there is no one “right” way of doing this.
4 Most people.after hearing your announcement,will be Curious about the next step。They may wonder if you will be undergoing radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy(化疗).They may wonder where and when you will have surgery.Answer their questions as best you can.but keep in mind that” I don’t know right now”or“I’m still in too much shock to think about that”are good answers.
5 Wait until the initial wave of strong emotions has passed before telling the children in your life.Don’t overwhelm(使不知所措)very young children with too much information.Assure them that,even if you will be in the hospital for a while。they will see you every day and they will be cared for.Older, children may already fear the word “cancer”,SO be prepared to reassure them.Emphasize the positive steps that doctors will be taking to treat your illness.
第 23 题 23 Paragraphs 2______________

A. Break the news as calmly as possible to children
Break the news at your own pace
C. Share the good news with your friends
D. Choose language that suits you
E. Follow your doctor’S advice
F. Be prepared for people’S curiosity

根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。
Text 1
A finding in recent years shows that men cannot manufacture blood as efficiently as women can. This makes surgery riskier for men. Because they do not breathe as often as women, men also need more oxygen. But men breathe more deeply and this exposes them to another risk. They draw more of the air when it is polluted.
Men's bones are larger than women's and they are arranged somewhat differently. The feminine walk that evokes so many whistles is a matter of bone structure. A man has broader shoulders and a narrower pelvis, which makes him stride out with no waste motion. A woman's wider pelvis,designed for childbearing, forces her to put more movement into each step she takes with the result that she displays a bit of jiggle and sway as she walks.
If you think a man is brave because he can climb a ladder to clean out the roof gutters, don't forget it is easier for him than for a woman. The angle at which a woman's thigh is joined to her knees makes climbing difficult for her, no matter whether it is a ladder or stairs or a mountain that she is tackling.
A man's skin is thicker than a woman's and not nearly as soft. This prevents the sun's radiation from getting through, which is why men wrinkle less than women do. Women have a thin layer of fat just under the skin and there is a plus to this greater fat reserve. It acts as an invisible fur coat to keep a woman warmer in the winter. Women also stay cooler in summer. Because the fat layer helps insulate them against heat. Men's fat is distributed differently. And they do not have that layer of it underneath their skin. In fact, they have considerably less fat than women and more lean mass.41 percent of a man's body is muscle compared to thirty-five percent for women,which means that men have more muscle power. When we mention strength, almost 90 percent of a man's weight is strength compared to about 50 percent of a woman's weight.
The higher proportion of muscle to fat makes it easier for men to lose weight. Muscle burns up five more calories a pound than fat does just to maintain itself. So when a man wants to loss weight, the pounds roll off much faster. For all men's muscularity they do not have the energy reserves women do. They have more start-up energy ,but the fat tucked away in women's nooks and crannies provides a rich energy reserve that men lack.
Cardiologists at the University of Alabama who tested healthy women on treadmills discovered that over the years the female capacity for exercise far exceeds the male capacity. A woman of sixty who is in good health can exercise up to 90 percent of what she could do when she was twenty. A man of sixty has only 60 percent left of his capacity as a twenty-year-old.
第 21 题 That boys suffer more from air pollution can possibly be justified by the fact that

A. the male have larger bones than the female.
B. women can manufacture blood more efficiently than men.
C. men usually breathe more deeply than women.
D. women breathe as often as men.

