
For what purpose is Kafka's The Castle mentioned?

A. To show people's behaviors are predictable.
B. To describe the nightmare of the story.
C. To demonstrate the importance of trust
D. To prove no one can be relied on.


The French geophysicists' study is different from currently prevailing theories in _____.

A. ist identification of the origin of the earth's magnetic field
B. the way the earth's magnetic intensity is measured
C. ist explanation of the shift in the earth's polarity
D. the way the earth's fluctuation rhythm is defined

Which of the following statements is proposed by researchers?

A. Later-borns do not compete for attention.
B. First-borns tend to become rebels.
C. Later-boms are prone, to diseases.
D. First-borns achieve more than younger ones.

According to the author, how could trust be established?

A. By economic means.
By legitimate measures.
C. By authoritative command.
D. By effort or action.

It must guide public opinion, after presenting______both sides of every issue and pointing

A. inquisitively
B. inconceivably
C. appallingly
D. impartially
