66. According to a recent survey, there is demand for medical assistants in different areas of medicine.
67. As an international company, ABC Company has been in business for over 50 years. Finding a job within the company can lead you to new heights in your career, as there is room to be promoted to higher positions. These jobs can be the perfect fit for you if you are looking for a job within a growing company.
A. 立铣刀
B. 面铣刀
C. 圆柱铣刀
D. 镗刀
在五面体加工中心上加工箱体,一般一次安装能( )
A. 加工多种表面
B. 只能加工孔类
C. 加工全部孔和面
D. 只能加工平面
在加工中心机床上加工箱体,一般一次安装能( )
A. 三维曲面工件
B. 工作台需多次旋转角度才能完成的工件
C. 复杂零件
D. 卧式零件