听录音,选出词首f发/f/音的单词。Listen to the sentences and circle the words with afsound /f/ at the beginning.Will the fogbe fast?
A. Will
B. the
C. fog
D. be
E. fast
听录音,选出词首f发/f/音的单词。Listen to the sentences and circle the words with afsound /f/ at the beginning.The fatfox was a lot of fun.
A. fat
B. fox
C. was
D. a
E. lot
F. of
G. fun
听录音,重组字母成为发音含/f/的单词。Listen and unscramble the f (with the sound /f/) words.fgi
听录音,重组字母成为发音含/f/的单词。Listen and unscramble the f (with the sound /f/) words.dfe
听录音,重组字母成为发音含/f/的单词。Listen and unscramble the f (with the sound /f/) words.unf