
Question 3[音频]

A. Nature is too mysterious to understand.
B. Nature seems very far away from them.
C. Parks and gardens are not precious nature.
D. Backyard trees and flowers are part of nature.


Question 4[音频]

A. Nature programs are good for adults but not good for children.
B. Parks and gardens are good places to experience nature.
Children should learn a lot of knowledge about nature.
D. Real nature experiences come from physical contact with nature.

我国第一位男性幼儿教师是( )。

A. 陶行知
B. 陈鹤琴
C. 张宗麟
D. 张雪门

( )提出幼稚园各种活动都应当是倾向于社会性的,因为教育的灵魂在于养成适合于某种社会生活的人民,认为幼稚园的课程应是社会化的幼稚园课程。

A. 陶行知
B. 陈鹤琴
C. 张雪门
D. 张宗麟


A. 农家妇
B. 工厂的女工
C. 贫民区失业的小贩、车夫及做短工的家庭
D. 有较好的职业者,如女秘书
