下列各项中,属于企业资产规模增加的原因的有( )。
A. 企业实现盈利
B. 企业发行股票
C. 企业发放股利
D. 企业对外举债
股东权益增长率的大小直接取决于( )。
A. 净资产收益率
B. 总资产报酬率
C. 总资产周转率
D. 权益乘数
The story told by the author is about how his _______, with his _________________, helped him to __________________ he felt when he was about to _______________, and opened his eyes to the truth of his advice that one should_____________to those who were dear to him.The text conveys the message that we should never _______ to ________________, we should always be _______________, and that we should always ________ __________________in our lives and cherish ________.
We’re going to _________the task that we haven’t finished.A) take awayB) carry onC) get ontoD) keep off
A. take away
B. carry on
C.get onto
D. keep off
Mr. John hasdecided that he will ______ the branch company set up in the small town.A) take over B) hand in C) put in D) lead to
A. take over
B. hand in
C. put in
D. lead to