A. 从道德教育的角度,把教师的作用看得非常重要
B. 不仅向好人学习,而且还要向不好的人学习
C. 重视反面教员的作用
D. 师生相互信任,既是道德教育的成果,也是道德教育的手段
A. 使用调脂药物,定期随诊甲状腺功能
B. 应用L-T4治疗,5μg起始
C. 手术行甲状腺大部分切除术
D. 25μgL-T4晨起顿服,一个月后复查甲状腺功能
E. 查垂体MRI,明确TSH增高的原因
A stand-on vessel in a crossing situation is allowed to take action when ().
A. on a collision course
B. the vessels will pass within one mile
C. it becomes apparent to her that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action
D. the relative speed of the vessels indicates collision in less than six minute