Which of the following can best describe the organization of this passage?
A procedure is explained and its significance is emphasized.
B. A problem is examined and solutions are given.
C. Two contrasting views of a problem are presented.
D. Recent pharmacological advancements are outlined in order of importance.
A. 只有一个唯一的上级部门,其指令来源是唯一的
B. 只有一个唯一的上级部门,但其指令来源是多维的
C. 可以有多个上级部门,但其指令来源是唯一的
D. 可以有多个上级部门,其指令来源也是多维的
Electric rays are likely to be______.
A. near the North Pole
B. in warm waters
C. near the South Pole
D. both A and B
The two tides in a given day______.
A. never vary in extent
B. may vary in extent
C. only vary in extent at the time of a new moon or a full moon
D. always vary in extent
Lateral thinking refers to the following EXCEPT______.
A. improving one's logic in thinking
B. improving one's perception in thinking
C. seeing the implications of what you are saying
D. exploring the alternatives for what you are saying