As emergency nursing entered the new millennium, the most important problem toaddress was ____.
A. innovations in care methodology and technology
B. crowdedness in emergency departments
C. bioterrorism and weapons of mass destruction
D. nursing shortage
As emergency nursing is becoming more complex and demanding, emergencynurses are required to____.
A. use more monitoring equipment
B. Expand their nursing knowledge
C. practice more nursing concepts
D. take further nursing training
五叶地锦属于( )科
A. 葡萄科
B. 蔷薇科
C. 无患子科
D. 芍药科
葡萄绿叶成荫,果实晶莹,适应性强,是叶果俱佳、遮荫、观赏、经济效益并重的优良垂直绿化材料。( )
A. 对
B. 错
紫藤蝶形花科,紫藤属落叶大藤本,茎枝为左旋生长,奇数羽状复叶互生。( )
A. 对
B. 错