Which antigen is used to determine 15 serogroups of meningococcus?
A. Pili antigen
B. LPS antigen
C. capsule antigen
D. cell wall antigen
Which group of cocci carry autolytic enzyme in the cells?
A. Gonococcus and staphylococcus,
B. Meningococus and pneumococcus.
C. Streptococcsu pyogenes and staphylococcus
D. Meningococcus and Streptococcsu pyogenes
Each statement about meningococcus is right EXCEPT___?
A. Humans are the only natural hosts of meningococci.
B. The organisms attach to epithelial cells with M protein.
C. The nasopharynx is the portal of entry.
D. The capsule mediates antiphagocytosis
Which disease is not caused by meningococcal infection?
A. meningitis,
B. septicemia
C. diarrhea
D. vomiting
Which molecule is not involved the pathogenensis of meiningococcal infection?
A. pili ,
B. endotoxin
D. Coagulase